My family is one kind, where they don't accept having pets at home. In my childhood days, myself and my dad use to plead my mother for a dog, but obviously our answer was a NO- I can't say that, THAT was the time I started loving pets!It all began looking at my Aunt , the way she use to adore each and every pet animals , that special love and care was seen through her eyes and I started adoring them too. She treats them just like one of her children. Indeed, even her two daughters (My cousins) take care of them and play with them so very well. So here goes the list : Firstly, my aunt had adopted a Cross-breed dog from Blue-Cross as a part of some organization held long time back- we named him Bingo. It was black and white in color. Unfortunately after its first vaccine it expired due to some viral infection already caused. ( Oops! Missed a photograph of it. Sorry!) . After Bingo left we realized that a white cat always visits behind our house - we named it Snow Bell, must say it did stay with was for nearly six months with us. Later on we were shocked to notice that Snow Bell was pregnant!Frankly speaking, previously I had more soft-corner for cats, it got lost after I started learning about their character - cats are cunning, guile. Once their job is done , they just leave you and go, you cannot have them as your protector or say you can never trust them! Like Snow bell just did to us after she gave birth to three kittens.
Her recently born kittens -chingu, mangu and rangu. |
At present we have a dog (Mixed-breed-white in color) named "Chickoo" ( Picture RHS of first para)- a female origin. Sad story is that it's first owner was least bothered to take proper care of it , so it chickoo was tied on a string , it's legs bleeding. My sister went forward and asked that owner's permission - and now chickoo is under our care. It was just a month when we first brought it, we took it to the veterinary doctor and now it's perfectly fine. Almost three months , very active, time just flies away when you are with her , only thing is she bites you - though it's not a harmful one , still it may hurt. Chickoo is enjoying her life with us - four meals a day,two new bowls (one for meals and the other one for drinking milk) , many new toys , and many new people to play with :). Chickoo just loves play around with people so much, so much that it never gets tired at all. Initially people at her house found it very wrong and uncomfortable having a pet , as days passed they started caring so much. happy to say that chickoo is part of our family now.
This is how my interests on pets started budding. I've decided that in near future I must and I will do something for these pets :).
You were like a Godsend to chickoo